Select you pillar below
Add to the menu any resources and contact that can help the teams. It could include training material, access to senior leaders etc.
Selecting Ambassadors (Learning Programme Participants)
Each pillar will designate three representatives, one each from the Government, Civil Society and a Development Agency/other , to participate in the learning programme.
Participants will design and facilitate 100-Day Challenges, and they will support local leaders and a district team on the 100-Day journey during the learning programme. They will be immersed in the process and practices of a 100-Day Challenge, and they will strengthen their facilitation and coaching skills.
Part 1: Orientation
A Condensed version of a 100-Day Challenge to provide first-hand experience of the choreography and tools. Over a 2 week period, the activities will include:
• 4 x 90 min virtual session over a 2 week period.
• Time in between session to work on actions – 8 hours
Part 2: District engagement
Over a 4 month period, the scheduled sessions include:
• 4 x online modules with assignments – 3 hours per module
• 6 x 90 min virtual design & review session
• 4 x one-day in-person district events – may require additional travelling time
• 6 x Bi-weekly peer coaching calls – 60 min
Needless to say, the Programme will be intense.
Participants need to devote time to attend sessions and complete online modules and assignments.
And importantly, there will be preparatory work and event facilitation that participants will need to do
in between training sessions. It will be impossible to participate in the programme without the full and wholehearted support of the leaders in their organisations.
If pillar team members choose to join the programme and they have the support of their leaders, they can look forward to a tough but truly rewarding experience. Most importantly, Ambassadors will contribute to moving the needle on Gender-based Violence and Femicide and accelerated implementation of the NSP during the Program.